Why buy LASTING socks?
We have almost 30 years of experience with manufacturing LASTING socks. Your feet will feel comfortable and safe even under extreme conditions. We look for the best functioning fibres on the market, test them in cooperation with professional athletes and the result is a catalogue of socks designed for different kinds of sports. Trust us that your feet will be in a dry, warm environment without any bruises or blisters. We use unique technological procedures in manufacturing LASTING socks and that´s why our socks are so exceptional.
AIRCOND – a knit-work system creating many drainage canals through out the entire sock. It considerably improves air circulation and removes moisture and sweat off the skin.

HARDTECH – a knit-work system creating a two-layer protection in the sock. The sock areas which are under the highest stress are strengthened with a third additional layer of material to be more comfortable and durable. This system is extreamly beneficial for socks worn in cold weather.
TRANSFOR – a combined knit-work system creating a released one-layer knitwear in the sock and sock zones, but with an additional strengthened second layer for parts of the sock under the highest stress load. This is especially beneficial for socks designed to be used in warm weather. However, they can be used in cold weather if combined with suitable materials.
One basic feature of socks recommended for sports, walking and other physical activities is maximum possible comfort for the entire period that the socks are worn. LASTING socks provide thermal comfort while moving moisture and sweat away from the skin. This minimizes a risk of bacteria proliferation and the occurrence of blisters. A sophisticated reinforcement of the most stressed parts of feet reduces impacts and minimizes bruises. Elastic bandage of the sole, ankle or border secures a proper position of the sock on the foot even during the most demanding sports performances. Select socks contain a compression elastic material to increase oxidation and accelerate muscle regeneration. Other socks have their tips sewn using a seamless technology so no seam can pinch or rub against the skin.
Both natural and synthetic materials are used for manufacturing LASTING socks. We always emphasize the function and suitable combination of materials as each of them has its own unique properties. Our customers can appreciate that the best quality materials in their ideal proportions are always used.
A wide range of socks for different kinds of sports is a guarantee that everyone can find and then choose the most suitable LASTING socks to satisfy their needs.